India’s Healthy Living Studios, an alternate healthcare profession, has been helping clients for 30 years understand what is happening with their health and bodies when it seems there are no answers. With the body being the teacher, India Holloway and Mario Moralez, the faces behind the business, help guide their clients into following the body’s steps towards natural healing by providing in-depth information on the body.
Many of India and Mario’s clients have been through the wringer – passed on from one doctor to the next. Because of this, India and Mario pride themselves on educating their clients about health and wellness; they work hard to stay up-to-date on the latest health information and changes. Since each client is treated based on their specific needs and body type, there is no set path. Everyone is going to experience a different journey. The only motion that India undergoes with every client is her one-on-one consultation where she digs deep into the client’s health history to determine the best course of action before booking any services.
Through their extensive research into each client, India and Mario can provide the best education on that client’s body – they look at blood type, lifestyle choices, age and weight, diet, and more to figure out what is ailing the client. They ask questions that no one thought to ask and often come up with something no one thought to look into. Sometimes they will even send the client back to their doctor to gather more information for their questions.
India and Mario will even work with a client’s nutritionist to come up with the best diet for that client. With India’s Healthy Living Studios’ own nutritionist’s vast knowledge, the goal is to not just tell the client what not to eat – they want to give options on what the bad food should be replaced with.
Based on this process and extensive information, India and Mario can determine the directional guidance for each client in a clear manner. They want to make sure the client understands each piece of information so there is no confusion or misunderstanding. By making sure the client is on the same page, everyone can then focus on the body’s instinct to heal.
Tune in to our weekly radio show. India talks every Wednesday at 10 a.m. PST on Inner Light Radio about the body. (rlightradio02.webs.com)
India Holloway is an author, lecturer, and holistic colon hydrotherapist. She describes herself as a hard worker who was pushed into the field and hasn’t looked back since.
India first began when her husband Corrie, a chiropractor, taught her about the muscular-skeletal system. India incorporated the digestive system into her learning and found she was onto something unique. India’s sister Metanasa, who was a colon therapist, then entered the picture and pushed India into looking at colon therapy.
India’s sister moved from Colorado to California in 1987 in the hopes of opening a second office for her business. India helped her set up the office – she secured the space and even found a spot on a radio show for her sister to talk about the body. However, her sister eventually moved back to Colorado, and India was left to take over the business by herself.
She didn’t let that stop her, though. India went to school and learned the field from the ground up. She constantly researches and updates her knowledge of natural healing. She has since become a national and international board-certified colon hydrotherapist. With a Level 4 ranking, she is an instructor and can teach others who wish to become colon hydrotherapists.
With over 30 years of experience, India has established a well-defined business. She has serviced over 5,000 clients and counting during this time.
India’s brother-in-law Mario Moralez joined the business after her sister passed away. His presence meant an increase in services for India’s Healthy Living Studios.
In 2005, Mario married India’s sister Metanasa, a licensed vocational nurse of 30 years and a colon hypnotherapist of 20 years. Throughout her practice, Metanasa practiced both traditional and alternative medicine. She helped Mario understand the importance of a proper diet and how to maintain his health through detoxification and fortification of the colon.
He was instantly hooked and studied under Metanasa, becoming a colon hypnotherapist himself. He attended Phoenix University and studied healthcare administration, during which time it became obvious that what he learned from Metanasa – that disease starts in the colon – was true and based on diet. Mario then attended Shaw Academy and studied to become a nutritionist, coming to understand how the blood transports nutrients and oxygen and delivers waste products to the kidney and liver. After a dentist friend gave him a dark field microscope, he became more enamored with live blood cell analysis, a service that is offered at India’s Healthy Living Studios.
After Mario’s wife passed, he moved to California and joined India as a business partner, overseeing administration. As a Natural Practitioner, his main interests are blood cell analysis and ozone therapy. Because the blood carries oxygen, Mario became interested in Ozone Therapy; he researched it and saw how it could contribute to assisting their clients. He studied it and eventually incorporated it into Healthy Living Studios. Mario then studied the lymphatic system (another area where the blood is involved) and became certified as a BioElectric Lymphatic Drainage (BELD) therapist. For Mario, he finds pleasure when clients start to feel relief and when they begin to understand their life force: blood.
As a natural practitioner, Mario’s main contributions are blood cell analysis, nutritional guidance, ozone therapy, and Bio-Electric Lymphatic Drainage.